10 Feb 13

8am tomorrow!!!!

Incorporate into your warmup:
<10 Minutes of GOAT WORK
For example, those of you who do not have a bar MU, spend a few minutes working on stringing reps together using whatever band you need to accomplish this.
– then –
For this first section, this is an opportunity to learn more about yourself as an athlete. The best athletes know exactly where there limits lie, and can gauge their work accordingly.
EMOM x 7
ME HSPU; score is lowest round
These do not have to be UB. You need to plan out how you want to do this before you actually begin. What is the highest number you can hit every minute without crashing and burning? Is it better for you to sprint a quick, UB set, then rest for the remainder of the minute, or is it better for you to do a few every 10 seconds? 2012 Regionals standards.
– then –
20 minutes to work up to a heavy, FLAT-FOOTED single
Basically, “heavy” in this instance will not be as heavy as you would normally think, especially if your technique is lacking. The whole point here is to work on pushing the floor away with your legs, and keeping yourself grounded so you can then pull yourself under the bar as quickly and efficiently as possible. I would suggest beginning the work from the high hang, so you can get an idea of what it is going to feel like to pull under without your feet coming up. Then, practice from a low hang. Only when you can be sure you are not jumping in the air at any point, you can move on to a full snatch from the floor. All power must come from the hips!
– then –
Heaviest possible with good form
This is exactly like the halting clean deadlift from yesterday, except in snatch form. The main purpose of this lift is to reinforce proper positioning leading into the second pull of the snatch. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO. This movement is basically a deadlift, starting from a snatch setup, and ending with a pause where the “scoop” would end. The top position is a halt where the bar is at the top 1/3rd of the thigh with legs loaded. At this top position – DO NOT stand up all the way, DO NOT let your knees straighten at the top, and DO NOT allow your torso to get vertical.
– then –
80 Pistols 
80 KBS, 2pd/1.5pd
Not for time; partition as you see fit.
*If you do not have CF standard pistols, work box pistols instead (perform a pistol while standing on a 20″ box, keeping the non-working leg out in front as much as you can).
For pistol inspiration, check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWvIu7s-vIM

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